Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Health Leads Essay

As recently mentioned, there will be a health focus to a workshop on climate change in Melbourne this weekend that is being put on by the Green Institute. One of the speakers is Senator Richard Di Natale, the Greens health spokesperson, who writes below that we need to focus more on the underlying causes of poor health. On related themes, don’t miss this New York Times article which profiles an organisation working on the social causes of poor healt. Health Leads trains about 1000 volunteers each year to staff resource desks in the waiting rooms of hospital clinics or health centers in Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, New York, Providence, R.I., and Washington. At these sites, doctors now regularly â€Å"prescribe† a wide range of basic resources — like food assistance, housing improvements, or heating fuel subsidies — which the Health Leads volunteers â€Å"fill†, by applying their problem solving skills to identify resources anywhere they may be availa ble. Health Leads was co-founded by a Harvard University student, Rebecca Onie, in 1996 and up until a year ago, she thought that the organisation’s biggest obstacle would be getting doctors to pay attention to patients’ social needs. But the organisation now gets so many referrals from doctors that it has waiting lists. According to the report, Health Leads offers a model of how to develop a workforce to systematically address the social causes of illness The real crisis in health Not many people give up a career in medicine to become a politician. However, I still have the same goal: the good health of Australians. Australia’s health care system isn’t bad. We spend less on health care than many other countries, about 9% of GDP (less than half of that spent in the USA), but most of us get access to high quality care when we need it. But we are also one of the most hospitalised nations in the world, with more overnight beds per capita than any other OECD country. And even with the relatively high rate of hospitalisation, 60 per cent of our population is overweight, half the teeth of Australians aged 35-44 have some decay and alcohol abuse is costing our economy billions each year and rising. Australia isn’t having a health crisis. We’re having a preventative health crisis. The cost of a hospital bed is considerable, but we’re failing to invest in measures that prevent people from needing that bed in the first place. Dental health is a prime example of the opportunity we have to transform our health system through better preventative measures. Currently, 650,000 Australians are on public dental care waiting lists, and dental admissions are the highest cause of acute preventable hospital admissions. Illness due to untreated dental disease is costing us dearly. Yet less than 20 per cent of dental care is currently funded by the Government, compared to nearly 80 per cent of general medical services. For alcohol abuse and obesity as well, there are many preventative measures we can take to reduce the enormous costs to our economy each year. In addition to publicly funded dental care, I will be working towards a phase-out of alcohol and junk-food advertising during sports broadcasts, a more rational alcohol taxation system and better food labelling regulations. It doesn’t take much imagination to see how a small investment in prevention can save us large costs in cure. And with greater preventative health measures, we have more opportunity to address the social inequalities in health in Australia. Health isn’t just a physical condition. If you have less income and less education, you are more likely to have poorer health. Beyond genetic make-up, behaviour and access to medical care, social inequality is still a strong determinant of health. This is especially acute when it comes to the health of Indigenous communities. Climate change is emerging as a major health issue, and once again, those who are more likely to suffer health problems due to climate change are those on the lower end of the socio-economic scale. During heatwaves and other extreme weather events, we have seen that the poor, the elderly and children are most affected. Already, our changing climate is creating a rise in vector-borne diseases, such as Dengue Fever, Malaria and Ross River Fever, and increasing rates of gastroenteritis will also take a heavier toll on the most vulnerable.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Abortion Is a Social Failure

Leanna Sullivan English 111 Christina Forsyth April 4, 2009 â€Å"Abortion Is a Social Failure† Abortion is said to be â€Å"a woman’s choice. † Women do have the choice, the choice should be to do what is best for their child whether the pregnancy is planned or not. The resources should be made available for the mother to do that. There should be more funding for public services and health care for extremely low income families. Abortion is wrong and it harms the society that we live in. In 1973, the U. S. Supreme Court made abortion on demand the law of the land. With Roe v. Wade, the Court forced America to revoke the commitment to â€Å"life, liberty and justice for all. † Abortion advocates guaranteed us that making abortion easy would mean â€Å"’every child a wanted child’,†(Mealey) which would reduce child abuse and it would reduce crime. Those unwanted children who often develop into criminals would never be born. This would decrease murder rates and criminal activity; thus for, those unwanted children would never have the opportunity to act out and disrupt society. â€Å"It would protect vulnerable women from being butchered by untrained abortionists cashing in on their desperation. Widespread abortion could only lead to stronger women, stronger families and a stronger society, they promised. † (Mealey) With almost 46 million â€Å"unwanted† children murdered because of abortion since 1973 ruling, there should have been a decrease in child abuse. That did not happen. In 2003, nearly 1 million children were victims of abuse and neglected, experts calculated approximately that â€Å"three times that number was actually abused. Almost 1,500 children died of their injuries that year, according to the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, which reports that all types of child abuse have increased since 1980. The plan to reduce crime by getting rid of the possible perpetrators’ just did not work out the way they wanted it to. Children were murdered to decrease murder rates and criminal activity. Also, according to Yale University law professor John Lott and Australian economist John Whitley, states that legalized abortion noticed higher h omicide rates almost every year between 1976 and 1998. They found that legalizing abortion increased state murder rates up to 7 percent. The plan to reduce crime by getting rid of possible perpetrators did not work either. Abortion can be a public health issue. In countries where abortion is not legal, approximately, 20 million women have unsafe abortion each year. (Fisanick) If legal abortion is not available, women will danger their health to end an unplanned pregnancy. Abortion is legal because the rights of the mother surpass the rights of the fetus and the fetus shows no sign of brain activity until well into the second trimester. The United States has tried to defend the rights of the fetus, but no one can determine the boundaries. Every year 45 million pregnancies end in abortion. Almost half of those abortions are medically unsafe, and end in the deaths of nearly 70,000 women. (Fisanick) When death does not occur from unsafe abortion, women can have long-term disabilities, such as uterine perforation, chronic pelvic pain or pelvic inflammatory disease. Therefore, making abortion legal and available are public health issues. â€Å"Criminalizing abortion does not save babies; it kills mothers. † () However, now it is safe with medical and surgical methods. Many countries have legalized abortion. According to the United Nations Population Fund, Where abortion is safe and legal, rates of abortion tend to be low. In contrast to the claim that thousands of women died because of illegal abortion before the ruling of Roe v. Wade, the actually figure for the deaths reported was only 263 in 1950. In 1970 that total even dropped to 119 deaths of women due to abortion. Legalizing abortion was supposed to eliminate the chance that a woman would be injured or killed during an abortion. Even though abortion is legal, it is still the fifth leading cause of pregnant women in the United States. (Mealey) In the Miami Herald, there was a story ran about a local abortion clinic. A woman died because of the conditions of the clinic. Another woman was mutilated. Abortion advocates knew about the clinic's conditions but did not say anything because of political reasons. Now, how in anyone’s right mind could they allow such horrendous acts to take place is beyond me. Just to keep the peace no one said anything. Abortions are legal to benefit the mother, so if the mother is dead or mutilated how did she receive any help. Needless to say, the most frequent gynecologic emergencies are problems preceding an abortion performed in a self-supporting clinic. (Mealey) Banning abortion as the consequence of denying women right to use a procedure that may be needed for their enjoyment of their right to health, according to the human rights act. Only women can experience the physical and emotional aspects of unwanted pregnancy. Some women suffer maternity-related injuries, such as hemorrhage or obstructed labor. Denying women access to medical services that enable th em to regulate their fertility or terminate a dangerous pregnancy amounts to a refusal to provide health care that only women need. Women are consequently exposed to health risks not experienced by men. Laws that deny the availability to abortion, have the purpose of denying a women's capacity to make responsible decisions about their bodies and their lives. Indeed, governments may find the potential consequences of allowing women to make such decisions threatening in some circumstances. Recognizing women's sexual and reproductive autonomy contradicts long-standing social norms that render women lower to men in their families and communities. It is not surprising that unwillingness to allow women to make their own decisions. Many Americans see abortion as â€Å"necessary† to avert â€Å"the back alley. In this sense, the notion of legal abortion as a â€Å"necessary evil† is based on a series of myths widely disseminated since the 1960s. These myths captured the public mind and have yet to be rebutted. One to two million illegal abortions occurred annually before legalization. In fact, the annual total in the few years before abortion on demand was no more than tens o f thousands and most likely fewer. Thousands of women died annually from abortions before legalization. As a leader in the legalization movement, Abortion law targeted women rather than abortionists before legalization. In fact, the nearly uniform policy of the states for nearly a century before 1973 was to treat the woman as the second victim of abortion. Legalized abortion has been good for women. In fact, women still die from legal abortion, and the general impact on health has had many negative consequences, including the physical and psychological toll that many women bear, the epidemic of sexually transmitted disease, the general coarsening of male-female relationships over the past 30 years, the threefold increase in the repeat-abortion rate, and the increase in hospitalizations from ectopic pregnancies. A generation of Americans educated by these myths sees little alternative to legalized abortion. It is commonly believed that prohibitions on abortion would not reduce abortion and only push thousands of women into â€Å"the back alley† where many would be killed or injured. Prohibitions would mean no fewer abortions and more women injured or killed. The better approach would be to make abortion less necessary. The first thing that needs to be done is to reduce the occurrence of unplanned pregnancy. Half of all pregnancies are unplanned and out of that half, half of them get abortions. If we showed dedication for getting out the information about abstinence and contraception; and public funding for family planning services, I know more women would be willing to keep their babies. Women who are able to avoid unplanned pregnancy do not have to make the decision of whether to have an abortion. Unfortunately, there will always be some unplanned pregnancies. Therefore, once a woman finds herself with an unplanned pregnancy, another way to reduce abortion is to guarantee that she has the resources to have and raise a child. One of the two most common reasons women choose abortion is because they cannot manage to pay for another child. Providing low-income women with education, career opportunities, Works Cited Brown, Diana. â€Å"Abortion Should Not Be Restricted. † At Issue: Should Abortion Rights Be Restricted?. Ed. Auriana Ojeda. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2003. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Ivy Tech – Terre Haute. 14 Feb. 2009 . Mealey, Misty. â€Å"Abortion Is a Social Failure. † Current Controversies: The Abortion Controversy. Ed. Emma Bernay. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2007. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Ivy Tech – Terre Haute. 11 Feb. 2009

Legalization of Marijuana Essay

The fight to legalize marijuana has been going on for decades now and looks to have no end until the result is that it’s legal. My fight would be for it to be legalized as well. Simply because it’s a drug with more benefits then harm. In some states, and other countries it’s already legal and doctor approved which I believe needs to be applied everywhere. Marijuana users will not stand for marijuana probation, no matter how long it takes, punishments or consequences. One might say press the issue! Make harsher laws! These prohibition views have failed to silence users. Marijuana legalization is a persistent issue that will not just go away. I believe it will be legalized because users are willing to continue to fight until they succeed. This will eventually open people’s eyes that the drug is not all bad. Marijuana has positive attributes; a medical value with very mild side effects. Many people use it because they see it good for them especially those suffering ailments. It relieves pain, nausea, spasticity, and other symptoms for many individuals who have not been treated successfully with conventional medications. I agree that if we do legalize it just for medication that it would leak to other users. But in today’s society many American adults prefer marijuana over alcohol as a way to relax, it has a lot less side effects then alcohol. The use of marijuana in America is a choice that comes with a relatively low dependence rate. Most people develop a tolerance to side effects, and those who don’t usually stop using drugs. Most Americans decide that the benefits of the drug outweigh the risk which the greatest risk is low risk arrest. Legalizing the drug can have more benefits to our county then harming it. If marijuana was legal we could put a tax on it, to make a profit on it. If we look at our crime rate, our law enforcement has more important responsibilities than arresting 750,000 individuals a year for marijuana possession. By doing this we waste jail space, clog court systems, divert time of police, attorneys, judges, and corrections officials away from violent crime. When I say violent crimes I mean being able to focus on the sexual abuse of children, terrorism and other more dangerous crimes. For my study I looked for a country that has legalized marijuana and their reasons for doing so. I found that it is a common knowledge throughout the world, that in Amsterdam you may just enter a coffee shop and buy drugs; you will be handed a menu with drugs of the day, and there might be even a special on the menu. It is all accessible, for four joints you will pay the same amount for twenty cigarettes. Marijuana is legal in Amsterdam because the government there realizes that it is much easier to control when they make it publicly available. This way they can tax it to generate state funding and ensure that they know where it is and who’s using it. It’s a much more liberal approach than prohibition, which causes any controlled substance to go immediately underground and leaves the government’s jurisdiction. Marijuana being illegal is much like the prohibition of alcohol. The Prohibition was a period of nearly fourteen years of U.S. history in which the manufacture, sale, and transportation of liquor was made illegal. It led to the first and only time an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was repealed. And unlike alcohol and any prescription drugs, marijuana is not lethal. A study in 2009 by U.S. Department of Health and Human Studies published that 69.7 million Americans are current users of tobacco products, 15 million Americans abuse alcohol, and only 4.2 million Americans abuse Marijuana. Everyday 1,000 people die from smoking related illnesses, 550 die from alcohol related accidents and diseases, and less than 20 die of drug related causes. American adolescents use Marijuana twice as much as their counter parts in Holland where Marijuana is legal. It seems that the temptations to do what you’re not supposed to do are too strong to resist. In conclusion, marijuana should be legal. If we are going to continue to offer these drugs that are more harmful then marijuana then why band one that helps? If continuing to keep marijuana as an illegal substance then users are willing to continue to fight. Like the prohibition of alcohol I don’t believe this fight will end until the users win. Maybe they will think their decision over, and realize it would help us more then it harms us.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Case Analysis - Essay Example ith the bank for the sole purpose of availing of the home loan, he should have been made aware that applying for a loan does not necessarily indicate that he could immediately be approved just because he has an account with the bank. As stipulated, the home loans at low interest rates were offered for account holders; meaning, those who have had established a historical experience as an account holder for a considerable amount of time could avail of the home loan (but does not guarantee approval). As he was an account holder and assuming he met all the requirements needed to avail of the home loan within the two-month period, his application could still have been processed, as promised and he could follow up with the loan officer the decision on his home loan application. Still, it does not guarantee that his application would be approved. In this regard, Sam could not sue the bank simply on the premise that the bank withdrew the offer toward the end of the second month, since there could also be valid reasons for this. Taking it from the perspective of the bank, their legal department is sure to have covered all the rules and laws pertinent to making the promotional offer and must have stipulated that they have to option to withdraw the offer for reasons beyond their control (like a bad turn of the economy; stipulations from the government, like what happened with sub-prime mortgage loans; and no account holder qualified to avail of the home

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Reflection on the Development and Application of a Fundamental Nursing Essay

Reflection on the Development and Application of a Fundamental Nursing Skill in Nursing Practice - Essay Example This is why it is very essential for nurses to be able to carry out an analysis and clearly respond to these new challenges that keep arising in a very proactive way. As such, development of critical reflective and thinking skills does assist nurses in meeting the ever emerging challenges related to giving needed care in context of a dynamic and rapid change of environment so as to develop into a critically reflective nursing practitioner. There are different approaches to critical thinking and reflective practices. My model for this paper is the Gibb’s Reflective cycle. This paper focuses on a patient with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy; he suffers from epilepsy and also scoliosis. Cerebral palsy is a condition whereby there is a brain damage disrupting normal functioning of the body muscles. Spastic quadriplegia is one of the nine forms of cerebral palsy and which is quite common (Banta, 2003, pp.2-18). It disables and a very serious form of cerebral palsy compared to o thers because it affects the whole body. It causes muscle stiffness or paralysis of all the four quadrants of the body. Such patients cannot walk and have impaired speech functions (Rucker, 1985, pp.206-207). Their necks are floppy due to lack of control and are prone to constant seizures. Epilepsy on the other hand is still a brain disorder that causes repeated seizures which occur as a result of episodes of disturbance to the brain. While Scoliosis is the curving of the spine away from the middle hence goes sideways (Burtner, et al., 1999, pp.748-57). During my recent nursing placement, I undertook a five week program at a learning disability care home situated on the northwest of England. It was quite an experience and worked as an eye opener in my nursing career. At the time of my placement and throughout the period, I happened to observe and took part in a program aimed at feeding the residents within the learning disability care home. In this program, I focused mainly on a res ident called James (real name withheld for patient confidentiality reasons). This patient has a medical history of spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy; he suffers from epilepsy and also scoliosis. As a result of his health condition, James has developed dysphagia, which is a swallowing difficulty and for that reason he has to eat and drink in a way that does not harm him since he has no control of the process and relies on nursing help. About the Gibb’s Reflective Cycle I learnt about the Gibb’s reflective cycle during my nursing study practice. The cycle involves various stages starting with stage one which involves the description of a given event under study. Here, I have to describe in clear detail the kind of event under reflection. This stage includes details such as the place, whoever was there, the reason as to why I was there, what I was doing, the kind of context the event had, the happenings, my part that I played in the event, and others including the resul ts (Stephenson, 1993, pp.1-18). Stage 2 is about how I felt. Here, I try recalling the things that did go on inside my mind and try explaining why this event stuck in my mind. This could entail how I felt before the event took place, what I was thinking at that time, how the event made me feel, how others made me feel, and my take on the outcome, among others. The 3rd stage has more to do with the evaluation process where I try to make a personal judgment of what took place regarding what I felt was good or bad about my experience. This leads to the 4th stage in which case I try to carry out an analysis of the event.

Saturday, July 27, 2019


IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO GET KIDS INVOLVED IN SPORTS - Essay Example However, as Ripken, Ripken B, and Scott (4) remind, a kid’s basic interest in sport has to be cultivated and maintained carefully because his/her interest levels might vary from time to time. Therefore, parents and academic reformers should heed genuine attention to integrate sports into school curriculum. To illustrate, the hustle and bustle of modern life have heavy impact on the lives of children today. They have been given little chance to understand the importance of their health. Since higher emphasis is given to academic training, sport often becomes the least important aspect of curriculum. However, sport is the most important aspect of a child’s various stages of development. Evidently, sports help children to practice self discipline that will have a long term positive effect on their future life. Children who practice self discipline are less likely to fall in bad habits mainly for two reasons. Firstly, they will have the moral courage to overcome such situat ions; and secondly, they deliberately avoid such chances as they are well aware of the importance of health. Moreover, kids who involve in sports, learn the basic lessons of social life and cooperation. Since every sport is played between two or more individuals, children will naturally learn how to interact with other persons in a healthy manner for their common goal.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Conduct, Misconduct and the structure of Science Article

Conduct, Misconduct and the structure of Science - Article Example ?   Properian Falsification, developed by Karl Popper, according to his Ideas, we should only test hypothesis by deducing from it testable prediction. Should the prediction fails to meet expectations or turns out to be false, source hypothesis from which it got deduced maybe considered falsified and must be rejected.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Advocates Properian Falsification can define scientific Misconduct as; refusing to make public in advance what sorts of facts would lead one to give up assumption, in ignoring or discarding evidence contrary to ones hypothesis or in introducing ad hoc, content-decreasing modifications in ones theories in order to defend them against refusal. Duhem-Quine problem, the problem with Properian falsification, occurs when we cannot derive some noticeable consequences O from a Hypothesis H getting tested. I don’t agree with this because, according to Proper, it is impossible to conclusively verify a hypothesis, but we cannot conclusively falsify it either. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the author human psychology and social structure put in positively to the scientific progress, how? Human psychology is important as it enables scientists to implicit code of conduct that do encourage them to be a bit dogmatic and allows or permits certain measures of rhetorical exaggeration regarding the advantages of their work. This leads them into defining scientific misconduct as a series of practices that deviate from those accepted by the scientific community. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Authors argue that reputation is a good scientific progress, because it forms a base upon which, some scientists place at least as much weight on the experiment for careful, painstaking work as on the technical details in the experiment in assessing whether the data used constitute a reliable evidence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author believes that peer view conducted this way is unlikely to detect instances of intentional misconduct because, the objective judgment lies majorly on

Thursday, July 25, 2019

International Finance. Currency Momentum Strategies Essay

International Finance. Currency Momentum Strategies - Essay Example 2. Summary of the article Using time series data of more than 34 years, the paper has examined some important aspects of FX momentum. The article provides an in-depth analysis of the unsystematic and systematic risks, comparing different momentum strategies, describing the importance of transaction costs, sources for non-standard momentum, over and under reaction and the arbitrage limits. The paper has also researched in effect of business cycle risks on currency momentum. 2.1. Fundamentals According to Menkhoff et al (2011, p. 5-8), momentum strategy refers to the trading strategy where an investor seizes an opportunity to ride a rising or a falling trend of the currency market. The basic idea is that an investor will take a long position for a basket of currency that shows an increasing trending price or a short position that sees a decreasing price. Momentum trading is done with the belief that once a trend is established, it will continue in the same direction for some time befor e stabilising and then reducing. If one sells when the prices are showing a decreasing trend, then the trader is taking a short position and he wants to reduce the losses and exit the currency before it reaches the bottom. If the trader buys when the price is showing a rising trend, then he is taking a long position and by buying when the trend is rising, the investor can hope to make more profits since he hopes the price will continue to rise. In both cases of long and short position, there is an upward and a downward momentum. This principle holds true for the all types of trading markets such as stocks, bonds, property, commodity, bullion and other markets that sees volatility in the markets and traders make profits on an hourly basis by seizing and riding the opportunity trend (Menkhoff et al, 2011, p. 8). 2.2. Data and Portfolio formation While earlier studies have focussed on single time series currency, the research by Menkhoff et al (2011, p. 9-12) uses cross sectional curre ncy. This means the relations and momentums of 48 different currencies are considered. By considering a period of 34 years, one can see a better return variation over time for the currencies. This also allows better accounting for transaction cists and helps to understand the limits of arbitrage. Data were obtained from databases of Reuters and BBI for the spot and forward rates for end of month data. Total observations made were 9,043. 2.3. FX momentum Strategies Different test strategies were selected for the study. These are features currency momentum strategies, stability of strategies for out of sample tests, differences in trading rules, carry trades and currency momentum and long-term behaviour (Menkhoff, et al, 2011, p. 14-15). The strategies as reported by Menkhoff et al (2011, p. 15-26) showed different test behaviour, Momentum strategies provide high returns of 6-10% for holding durations of a month and then they reduce when the holding period is increased and profitabili ty comes from spot rate changes. By using different cross section of currencies, it is seen that gain decrease when a large cross section of currencies is selected. The authors run the tests to compare momentum of trading rules where three-benchmark averages cross over rules were used. These strategies showed profits of more than 5% with high annual Sharpe Ratios, however, there were variations in the returns. Hence, the relation of currency momentum to benchmark technical trading strategies is not close. It was also

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Globalization, Technology, and Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Globalization, Technology, and Marketing - Essay Example A manager should be keen on finding out innovative technology according to the requirements of time. As companies are many, consumers will be offered quality goods at cheaper rates, so managers must try hard to retain their existing customers with high variety of want satisfying goods. Though the adoption of machineries and most modern technologies seems to be of much capital expenditure, they will compensate all these and hold good in the long run. In addition to products, the customers are to be provided with most valued services to win their loyalty. The ever changing business environment also demands it. As Saaksvuori and Immonen (2008, pp. 208-211) point out, since a technology based company has rather comprehensive technologic strategy, the management will be concerned about setting up a technological framework which will be distinct from other companies for production and manufacturing in the future. Once the production is completed, goods must reach the market to be distribut ed among the potential customers. A manager must also be prudent enough to seek new modes of transporting before the competitors bring their products to the market.

Motor Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Motor Industry - Essay Example The government is trying to reduce people's reliance on cars and get them to use the public transport network, which may well be good news for buses. Unfortunately they appear to be using the stick and stick approach to getting people out of their cars. Consumer confidence in the new car market is currently in a downturn. This is due to a number of factors. Firstly, rising interest rates mean that the cost of car ownership is increasing (due to the increasing cost of loans needed to pay for owning me a new car). Also the rise in interest rates means that there is less income available for spending on a new car. There is also a lot of consumer uncertainty in the costs of fuel. Taxation is also playing a part; taxation rules now view company cars as a benefit to the employee rather than its necessity of doing the job. And as such taxation rules regarding them are tightening sharply it is no longer much of a benefit to have a company car - although they can be considered a status symbol. A higher proportion of households now have more than one vehicle and this has led to a number of interesting effects. There are a growing number of women in the workplace, and as such or ownership amongst women is going up. In addition as households have more than one vehicle, those vehicles are becoming differentiated. ... A household may well a people carrier or large vehicle for family use and a smaller or sportier car for personal use. T - Technological - How new and emerging technology affects our business There are two main technological challenges to the modern motor industry. Firstly there is a change to the way people buy cars. Due to the internet people are able to research their choices more thoroughly. For example, J.D Power and Associates studied nearly 30,000 car buyers in 2002 to discover that more than half the buyers look at the internet before making a buying decision about a car. Additionally nearly 90% of car buyers visit the car manufacturer's website to get a better idea about the look and feel of the car. Therefore, the use of technology in this area is an essential requirement for car manufactures of today (Baki et. al., 2004). And secondly a quotation from the introduction to the Automotive Electronics show: "What sort of car will you be driving in ten years time The most significant difference will be the use of electronics to make cars safer, smarter, less polluting and more enjoyable to drive. Tomorrow's road vehicles will have significant in-car processing power to lighten the driver workload and will be able to communicate with the road infrastructure receiving advance warning of congestion or other hazards. The possibilities appear endless and limited only by our imagination. The two major drivers will be to reduce road accidents and pollution as car ownership rises in the decades to come." L - Legal - How local, national and world legislation affects us The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders did a survey in 2006. Nearly 90% of respondents said that legislation had

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Upgrading Wastewater Treatment Facilities Coursework

Upgrading Wastewater Treatment Facilities - Coursework Example 1.0 Introduction With the inception of urbanization and the modern society, there has arisen a looming problem on water and sanitation. This has mostly been attributed to consequences resulting from population effects such as downgraded sewerage systems, poorly maintained wetlands just to mention but a few. This gives an evidence of the fact that wastewater and the methods used in its treatment have given lasting challenges to the society. Further, urgent measures have been necessitated by the history pollution abatement measures have had as entails the time factor; ever since industrialization, urbanization and similar revolutions were set on stage. At an earlier point in time, sanitation standards basically stipulated for the reduction of pollutions due to emissions emanating from pathogens and organic matter, but of recent times has been the focus on heavy metals and nutrients. Other than the modern approaches focusing on metallic compounds and nutrients, equally handy concepts ha ve been proposed accompanied by advanced levels of technologies that if effectively put in place, will push wastewater management practices to a newer level. The sewage treatment especially at individual homesteads has employed a variety of wastewater treatment concepts and philosophies among others. All these are aimed at achieving the ultimate goal of addressing current trends of wastewater both at the urban and rural levels. As a response to these strategies, various strategies including legislations have been put in place. A good example of such a legislation includes â€Å"The European Union Urban Wastewater Directive, 91/271/EEC; which states that agglomerations

Monday, July 22, 2019

The OSI model Essay Example for Free

The OSI model Essay Question: Write a 2-3 page paper describing the OSI model and how it relates to a network. Your response should include answers to the following: †¢ On which layers of the OSI model do WAN protocols operate? †¢ What are some of these protocols? †¢ On which OSI layers do switches and routers operate? †¢ If routers reside at more than one layer, what is the difference between the OSI layers? Introduction: The OSI model was introduced in 1984. Although it was designed to be an abstract model, the OSI model remains a practical framework for todays key network technologies like Ethernet and protocols like IP. The OSI model defines internetworking in terms of a vertical stack of seven layers. The upper layers of the OSI model represent software that implements network services like encryption and connection management. The lower layers of the OSI model implement more primitive, hardware-oriented functions like routing, addressing, and flow control. In the OSI model, data communication starts with the top layer at the sending side, travels down the OSI model stack to the bottom layer, then traverses the network connection to the bottom layer on the receiving side, and up its OSI model stack. How OSI model relates to a network: Information being transferred from a software application in one computer system to a software application in another must pass through the OSI layers. For example, if a software application in System A has information to transmit to a software application in System B, the application program  in System A will pass its information to the application layer (Layer 7) of System A. The application layer then passes the information to the presentation layer (Layer 6), which relays the data to the session layer (Layer 5), and so on down to the physical layer (Layer 1). At the physical layer, the information is placed on the physical network medium and is sent across the medium to System B. The physical layer of System B removes the information from the physical medium, and then its physical layer passes the information up to the data link layer (Layer 2), which passes it to the network layer (Layer 3), and so on, until it reaches the application layer (Layer 7) of System B. Finally, the application layer of System B passes the information to the recipient application program to complete the communication process. Interaction Between OSI Model Layers A given layer in the OSI model generally communicates with three other OSI layers: the layer directly above it, the layer directly below it, and its peer layer in other networked computer systems. The data link layer in System A, for example, communicates with the network layer of System A, the physical layer of System A, and the data link layer in System B. The following figure illustrates this example. Figure : OSI Model Layers Communicate with Other Layers On which layers of the OSI model do WAN protocols operate? A WAN protocols is a data communication protocols which is use in the data communications network that covers a relatively broad geographic area and that often uses transmission facilities provided by common carriers, such as telephone companies. WAN Protocol in WAN technologies, generally function at the lower three layers of the OSI reference model which layers are as following: †¢ Physical layer †¢ Data link layer, and †¢ Network layer. Following figure illustrates the relationship between the common WAN technologies and the OSI model. Figure : OSI Model Layers and WAN Technology specification What are some of these protocols? some protocols which are also operated in the WAN technology are PPP, X.25 etc. On which OSI layers do switches and routers operate? The Network Layer of the OSI model is responsible for establishing paths for data transfer through the network and router are the devices which are used to establishes the path for data transfer. So, routers operate at the Network Layer. And Data Link Layer of the OSI model is responsible for communications between adjacent network nodes. Hubs and switches operate at the Data Link Layer. If routers reside at more than one layer, what is the difference between the OSI layers? Routers generally do not reside at more than one layer, because the router devices are operated in the network layer and they can apply the data link headers when they switch the packet interface and put the signals at the physical layer wires . In this way the routers do work on three different levels, but each job is separate and distinct per layer.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Negative Impacts Of Soil Erosion Environmental Sciences Essay

The Negative Impacts Of Soil Erosion Environmental Sciences Essay Soil erosion is a process whereby soil (mostly the top fertile soil) is transported or swept away from its natural environment then deposited to other places. This usually happens as a result of blowing wind, water flow, rainfall, by the force of gravity (down slope movement of soil) and human together with animal activities. Erosion is a natural process although it has been seen to rise due to extensive use of land and more so in the agricultural industry. The reduction of soil cover and the cutting down of trees also triggers soil eroison. Agricultural land that is used on the industrial scale is seen to be the most affected as it is subjected to greater rates of erosion. This is evident especially when there is the use of tillage which clears vegetation covering the soil while disturbing soil structures together with roots holding soil particles together. Soil erosion triggers a number of impacts but the main area of concern in this report is soil degradation by erosion affecting the worlds food supply. Soil is taken to be the worlds most valued resource. The loss of this resource, through land degradation processes such as wind and water erosion, is one of the most serious environmental problems we are faced with as it is destroying the means of producing food (Willett, 89). This is a problem that affects the whole world as food is a basic need. Erosion, takes away the best organic matters, it tempers with the depth of the top rich soil, reduces the soils capacity to hold water, and affects the soil biota. Rainfalls beneficial impacts are reduced too due to increases in water runoff and reductions in the soils water holding capacity. Taken together or separately, these factors limit the soils productivity and, as a result, can reduce crop yields from 15 to 30 percent (Pruski, 15). A research carried out by the U.N showed that about 11% of the worlds best soils (which are as big as size India and China put together) have been spoiled by our activities from as early as 1935. About 9 million hectares of arable land have been irreversibly damaged by erosion through overgrazing, deforestation and unsustainable agricultural practices. A further 1.25 billion hectares is considered to be seriously degraded and could be restored only at great costs (Hinkel, 81). There are many examples showing that erosion has really affected the worlds food supply. This one is explained by Lal who reveals that: Erosion is very significant in land degradation that leads to decline in crop production which eventually leads to a drop in the worlds food supply. On a global scale, the annual loss of 75 billion tones of soil through deforestation as a major cause of soil erosion costs the world about US$400 billion in a year (at US$3/ton of soil for nutrients and US$2/ton of soil for water), or approximately US$70 per person a year. It is estimated that the total annual cost of erosion from agriculture in the US is about US$44 billion in a year or about US$247/ha of cropland and pasture. In Sub-Saharan Africa it is much larger; in some countries productivity has declined in over 40% of the cropland area in two decades while population has doubled. Overgrazing of vegetation by livestock and subsequent land degradation is a widespread problem in these regions (Lal, 157).   The production ability of most land that has been subjected to soil erosion is seen to decline up to 40% due to soil erosion brought about mainly by deforestation. The reduction of yields in Africa as a result of erosion is about ten to fifty percent. The total mean loss for the whole continent stands at 9%. Africa is perhaps the continent most severely impacted by land degradation due to soil erosion, with the global average being lower, possibly in the range of 1-8% (Baanante, 224). With increasing land degradation due to erosion and deforestation triggering erosion on a bigger scale, food productivity might actually drop up to 50% necessitating international aid which in turn affects the supply from wherever the food is coming from. With the current rate of population growth and soil erosion it is said that by 2050 there would be a humanitarian crisis as far as food supply is concerned. Another good example is of an East African country (Kenya) which has had severe famine due to lack of enough produce. In Kenya agriculture is taken to be the backbone of the country. The country was initially self sufficient in terms of feeding its people. The famine that affected the country was attributed to soil erosion that occurred mainly by the use of unsustainable agricultural practices that exposed soil to erosion and deforestation. Kenya being a hilly country is highly prone to erosion by gravity. This issue is made worse by unsustainable agriculture that does not take care of the issue of soil erosion. Top fertile soil was extensively carried away leaving behind soil that was not good for agricultural food production. Due to lack of produce in the year 2007 and later rains were not sufficient in the year 2008 a great famine ensued leaving people to boil poisonous wild fruits for hours to extract the poison in order to fix a hot plate (Kamau 17). Research shows that lack of rain again was due to deforestation that is helping desertification in this nation. The country was forced to use all its food reserves to the extent of asking for emergency relief food from international organizations. Generally soil erosion occurs where there is lack of adequate soil cover, putting this in consideration; the situation can only worsen when necessary measures are not taken on time. When erosion continues all fertile soils will be swept away leaving behind soils that are not good for crop production or farming activities. Because of the lack of vegetation on land, rainfall attraction does not take place then a famine may be realized. Many countries having this problem rely on other countries for food supply thus creating imbalance in the supply of food. All this is brought about by not tackling the initial problem that is soil erosion. The percentage of desertification is very high in the world today. In deserts and arid areas very little crop production can take place. Deserts do occur because there is lack of vegetation which is responsible for rainfall attraction and soil cover for water preservation. When soil erosion takes place these areas lack the ability to have vegetation and thus there wont be water retaining capabilities or factors influencing rainfall attraction. What will be left is the soil exposure to wind and other factors that influence soil erosion. The main factor influencing this is deforestation. After sometime these areas lose all agricultural relevancies thus having a negative impact on food supply. Across the world research shows that after soil erosion (especially after over use of agricultural land or tillage erosion) has taken place the remaining soil is not good quality soil for food crops. What is normally done with this is the planting of other crops which can survive harsh conditions and the soils that are left behind. These crops are normally cash crops as food crops need more nutrients to grow. With the current rate of soil erosion most parts of the world lack the capacity to produce food crops and rely on other countries to produce food crops for them. This is also a negative factor to the worlds food supply since the initially food productive areas are unproductive at the time when the populations are high needing more food crops. This also has a negative effect on the worlds food supply. Soil erosion does not only create unfavorable conditions for crop growth through land degradation but as shown by Matende: The implications of soil erosion extend beyond the removal of valuable top soil. This is in regard to erosion brought about by water or rain. Crop emergence, growth and yield are directly affected through the loss of natural nutrients and applied fertilizers in the soil. Seeds and plants can be disturbed or completely removed from the eroded site by water erosion. Organic matter from the soil, residues and any applied manure is relatively light weight and can be readily transported off the field, particularly during spring thaw conditions. Pesticides may also be carried off the site with the eroded soil. This can effect negatively on the supply of food particularly when corrective measures are not taken on time or generally poor yields will be realized (Matende, 234). Wind erosion has also been seen to cause significant losses on food crops. The unavailability of lasting vegetation cover in a lot of areas has led to widespread wind erosion (Bramson, 21). Loose, dry, bare soil is the most susceptible; however, crops that produce low levels of residue also may not provide enough resistance. Wind erosion may also create adverse operating conditions in the field (Mathews, 67). Food crops can be destroyed completely bringing about expensive delays and necessitating reseeding. If not the food crops could are sandblasted and destroyed with the end result being no yield, low yield and poor quality yields that impact negatively on food supply. Off-site impacts of soil erosion are not always as apparent as the on-site effects. Eroded soil, deposited down slope can inhibit or delay the emergence of seeds, bury small seedling and necessitate replanting in the affected areas (Knight, 212). This kind of erosion is normally brought about by water or rainfall. When there are heavy rainfalls soils that are unprotected and do not have adequate cover or are loose due to tillage and human activities can easily be swept away. This type of erosion has its own share of negative effects as far as food supply is concerned as in the event of erosion taking place in wide areas crops will not only be buried but some will be left bare and thus germination will either not take place or the exposed seeds can be devoured by birds and other animals. If corrective measures are not taken on time there will be little or no production at all. This also affects the general food supply in the world today. Therefore as shown in this report various types soil erosion has adverse impacts on the worlds food supply. Nevertheless, enhanced land use practices if embraced can mitigate this situation, using techniques such as terrace building, conservation tillage practices, and tree planting can help reduce soil erosion. When these practices are used properly soil erosion can not only be reduced significantly to about the same rate of soil reform but also the world will realize better food crop production and there will be sufficient food security. Using these methods again food crop yields could increase up to 20% this is in northern America and from about 4 to 17% in Africa.

Early Years Foundation Stage Guidelines

Early Years Foundation Stage Guidelines Hasana khan Explain the observation, assessment and planning cycle. The EYFS requires practitioners to plan activities and play opportunities that will support children’s learning while supporting the areas of learning within the EYFS. Practitioners must plan carefully so that individual children’s needs are met and that the activities and play opportunities help children progress towards their early learning goals. Planning, observation and assessment contribute to supporting the learning and development requirements of children. Observing individual children carefully can help to identify what their needs and interests are. To ensure that practitioners meet the needs of individual children it is important that the follow the observation, assessment and planning cycle. Observation is when practitioners observe/watch children to understand their interests, needs and learning styles. Observing children is a useful process as it provides information which the practitioners can use to support the children when planning and preparing activi ties for them. Observations should be made in a range of contexts, for example they should be done during independent play, during everyday routines and also when the child is engaged in play with others. EYFS MAY 2008 â€Å"planning should be flexible enough to adapt to circumstances†. Observing children will also enable practitioners to understand what their current stage of development is. Without the process of observation practitioners will not be able to fully support the children as they will not have a clear idea on what the child’s needs and interests are. Practitioners must ensure that they gain parent’s permission before they carry out any observations on the children because some parents may not want their child to be observed. During observation practitioners need to look, listen and record what they see in the observation, they must not involve themselves in the observation as it may affect what the child is doing. An assessment is when practitioners analyse observations to see what they tell them about a child. Accurate assessments enable practitioners to make judgements which lead to action to support individual children. They help each child to de velop and learn by ensuring that the practitioners provide children with appropriate experiences and opportunities. Practitioners gather the information in their observations to identify aspects of the child’s learning and development. By doing this it will enable them to assess what a child’s needs and requirements are and how well they can be supported. The final part of the cycle is planning, this is when practitioners then use the information that they have gathered to plan for the child. This could include planning experiences and opportunities that the child could benefit from and also ensuring that the environment is suitable and the child has access to appropriate resources. The practitioner will also need to plan what their role will be in supporting children with their learning and development. Practitioners must ensure that they include each area of learning and development through planning, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child initiated activity. Practitioners must ensure that their planning reflects and supports children’s current interests, learning styles and the stage of development of each child. The planning process enables practitioners to contribute and understand the experiences that they have planned for the children. Practitioners can also ensure that parents and children have a voice in the planning process, for example children can share their feelings and activities that they want to take part in. Parents can also share their knowledge of their child and any additional support that they may require. Observation, assessment and planning all feed into one another and contribute to our knowledge about the child enabling the practitioners to fully support the needs, requirements, learning and development of each child. Describe how to develop planning for individual children. When working with children practitioners will find that they are required to plan activities and experiences for children which support their learning and development. EYFS MAY 2008 â€Å"good planning is the key to making children’s learning effective, exciting varied and progressive†. Practitioners need to ensure that they plan activities which are linked with the different areas of learning within the EYFS. Practitioners must also ensure that they plan and prepare activities which meet the individual needs and requirements of the children. When planning for the children the practitioners need to bear in mind that whatever is planned for the child is age and stage appropriate and suitable for the child to take part in. There are many different sources that an individual can use the help them when planning for the children, for example each child has their own interests and preferences and they may enjoy playing more with some toys that they do with others. A practitio ner can use a child’s interest and make an activity more exciting and challenging for the child. This will also enable the child to learn new things as well as taking part in something that they enjoy doing. Regular observations and assessments support the practitioner when planning for a child because a lot of information can be processed as the practitioner is able to physically see what a child likes/dislikes doing. Observing the children helps the individual indentify a child’s needs, interests and any additional support that they may require to support their learning and development. EYFS MAY 2008 â€Å"planning should include all children, including those with additional needs†. Practitioners must ensure that they make full use of the observations gained in order to support the child and ensure that their needs are fully met. Within the setting the practitioners can work in partnership with parents/carer’s as stated in the EYFS in order to ensure that they are also included with their child’s learning and development. Parents/carer’s will be able to share information with the practitioners about what the child is like at home and what interest and needs that they may have. Parents/carer’s can help the practitioners with planning for the children as they will be able to identify what area a child may need support with. Sharing ideas with colleagues can be useful during planning as an individual may have noticed something about the child which was not noticed by anyone else, this can be useful as a child may be more close to one member of staff than they may be with another staff. There may be times when a practitioner is not always with the children so it is important that information is shared to ensure that all members of staff are aware on the child’s needs and interests. Within the setting some children may also be under the care of other professionals this is useful because the practitioners are then able to work alongside the professionals to share and also learn new ideas on how the child can fully be supported within each setting. The practitioners must ensure that at all times their planning reflects the different needs and interests of the children, the planning must also provide opportunities for the children where they are able to learn and gain new skills. Differentiate between formative and summative assessment methods. EYFS MAY 2008 â€Å"make informed decision about the childs progress and plan next steps to meet their development and learning needs†. When working with children practitioners will find that settings will carry out progress reviews on children’s development, these can be done every six months or on an annually basis. The practitioners will be required to provide parents with a progress report about the child’s learning and development. This will give the parents an idea on what stage their child is at with their learning and development and whether or not they may require any additional support. Practitioners must ensure that they meet the individual needs of all children through following the requirements of the EYFS and it is important to deliver personalised learning, development and care to help children get the best possible start in life. There are two formal assessments, these are a completion of the progress report at age two and also completing the lear ning and progress journey of each child during their time at the nursery. To ensure that practitioners assess the children effectively they must analyse and review the information that they have about each child’s learning and development. They then need to plan next steps to meet the individual needs of children. A formative assessment is when a practitioner keeps a record of the child’s learning and development. The practitioner will take daily observations of a child using notes and photo evidence and keep them in an individual record of the child. The record will be available for the parents to view, this will enable them to review their child’s learning and development within the setting. It will also give the parents a chance to see what their child has achieved and what stage of development they are at. Practitioners must ensure that they regularly update children’s records by including the appropriate information. Formative assessment: This is an assessment based on observations, photos, work from children or any information that a practitioner receives from the parents. It is also an ongoing assessment of children and is carried out on a regular basis through observations that practitioners gather from children. Children are also required to have a progress check done when they are aged two, this is a summary of information that has been gained about the child. Practitioners compare children to the learning areas to identify whether or not a child has achieved their learning goal for their age and stage of development. The progress checks will be given to parents as it will be a summary of the development stages a child has achieved. They will also consist of targets/goals a child will have for the future and how they will be achieved. Summative assessment: This assessment is a summary of any evidence that a practitioner gains through carrying out a formative assessment. This type of assessments are used to review childrenà ¢â‚¬â„¢s developmental progress over a period of time, they are also used to identify if a child has achieved their target/goals for their age and stage of development. This is a summary of all the formative assessments done over a longer period and makes a statement about a child’s achievements. The EYFS Profile is the summative assessment used to review children’s progress along the early learning goals. Explain the two statutory assessments that must be carried out on all children. EYFS MAY 2008 â€Å"all effective assessment involves analysing and reviewing what you know about each child’s development and learning†. When working with children practitioners need to carry out two main assessments of the children in their care, one is the EYFS progress check which is done at age two. The second assessment is the EYFS profile which summarises and describes a child’s achievements and is a record of their development. This profile is a record of the child up to the age of five up until the child leaves the nursery. These two statutory assessments check the children’s development against the seven areas of learning. The EYFS progress check requires the practitioners to make a summary of the child’s development, achievements and also state any targets or goals that need to be met in order for the child to make further progress with their development. The progress checks show the parents and practitioners any additional support that a child may require. The practitioners are required to review the children’s progress and also ensure that parents receive a written record, this will enable them to see what the child has achieved and what stage they are at with their learning and development. The key workers have the role to complete the progress checks for all of their key children. In some settings the practitioners set up parents evening where they discuss the child’s progress and also hand out the progress checks to the parents. This also gives the parents a chance to discuss their child’s learning and development and also share information or ask and questions. The progress checks are useful as they enable parents to see how they can support their child at home and also identify their needs and interest. In order to complete the progress checks the practitioners should use the findings from their daily assessments and observations that they complete on the child, this will help to give an overview on what a child can and cannot do based on their learning and development. The summary must include the information that the practitioner has gathered about a child over the period of time the child has been at the nursery. The early years profile is an assessment of the child that is done at the end of the foundation stage, practitioners must ensure that they complete a profile for every child at the end of the term. This assessment will normally be completed by the reception class teachers, it will be assessed against the seventeen learning goals which can be found in the EYFS. The early years profile will be completed using observations of the child that have been gathered on a regular basis. The profile will consist of targets that the child has met or need to meet during their time at the nursery. The practitioners must ensure that they share the Early years profile assessment with the parents so support them so that they are able to understand their child’s lea rning and development. The parents will also be able to see what their child does within the setting and any progress they are making. To ensure that practitioners fully understand on how to complete the early years profile, it is a requirement that appropriate training is given to those working within a childcare setting.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Henrik Isbens A Dolls House Essay -- A Dolls House Essays

In many literary works, there are characters in which portray both similarities and differences. In the Play "A Doll's House," by Henrik Ibsen, two of the characters have many oppositions and congruencies. These characters go by the names of Nora Helmer and Mrs. Linde. Ibsen characterizes these women by describing their comparable and contrasting personalities. He does this by describing their financial situations as well as their family lives. He describes these women, as opposites while in fact there are some distinct similarities. They share many of the same values and goals. Both Nora and Mrs. Linde are strong women with a weak exterior. Nora is described as a fragile woman that has been spoiled throughout her lifetime. The men in her life, her father and husband, have taken the roll of the authority figures. Nora is accustomed to relying on men to support and pamper her. She never has a care in the world. Though she appears to be content, in her heart she is not happy. She feels the urge to be set free to live her life the way she wants to, not they way her male authorities tell her to. A childhood friend of Nora's, Mrs. Linde, shares many of the same qualities. Both women have been having recent financial problems. Nora even mentions that she had to find a job as well as Mrs. Linde. She states, "Yes; odds and ends, needlework, crochet-work, embroidery, and that kind of thing (Ibsen 360)." She says this as if she is disgusted by the fact that she must work to...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Free Essays - Importance of Feste in Twelfth Night :: Twelfth Night essays

Importance of Feste in Twelfth Night Feste, the amusing clown, plays a most important part in the play. He is able to take on several roles, and is indeed "for all waters"; from serious to comic, learned to nonsensical, the wit or the practical joker; just as the occasion seems to suggest. Because he is a part of both the main and sub plot, Feste is the character, who links both parts of the play together, making Twelfth Night a whole. The clown contributes towards the humourous entertainment of this play through his numerous puns and jokes. He is a source of laughter, not because we are humoured by his "foolery"; for he proves to be no fool at all; but rather because he amuses us with his brilliant wit. Having mastered the art of jesting, Feste is sensitive of his profession, always aware of the circumstances he is in and the appropriateness of this folly. Feste is able to prevent any delusions of grandeur by a reminder that foolishness is a condition common to all mankind whether one is king or servant. It is Malvolio's vanity that convinces Feste to take part in the joke played on the steward. As "Sir Topas", and Malvolio's `prosecutor` Feste attempted to help Malvolio realize that there was "no darkness but ignorance". With Feste's help, we are able to attain a better understanding of the other characters in the play- revealing their true personalities, which are sometimes unseen, not only by us, the audience, but also by the characters themselves. He shows Olivia how unrealistic and excessive her mourning for her brother's death has been, he tells Orsino how foolish he is for languishing in a mood of love-sick melancholy for Olivia and points out how mercurial his personality is, and he makes a fool out of the pompous Malvolio. "Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun- it shines everywhere" says Feste. Feste, however, never takes sides with any of the characters, and in this way, he becomes a kind of commentator for the play. He is able to examine the characters, revealing the bare truth about them and he unites the main and sub-plot in a similar way.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Filipino Values Essay

The Filipino value system arises from our culture or way of life, our distinctive way of becoming human in this particular place and time. We speak of Filipino values in a fourfold sense. First, although mankind shares universal human values, it is obvious that certain values take on for us a distinctively Filipino flavor. Secondly, when we speak of Filipino values, we do not mean that elements of these Filipino values are absent in the value systems of other peoples and cultures. All people eat, talk and sing, but they eat different foods, speak various languages and sing different songs. Thus, we easily recognize Filipino, American, Chinese, Japanese or any other foreign food, language or music. The difference lies in the way these elements are ranked, combined or emphasized so that they take on a distinctively Filipino slant or cast. For instance, in China, honesty and hard work may rank highest; Chinese and Japanese cultures give great value to politeness and beauty; American culture to promptness and efficiency; and Filipino culture to trust in God and family centeredness. In this sense of value-ranking and priority of values, we can speak of dominant Filipino values. Thirdly, universal human values in a Filipino context (historical, cultural, socio-economic, political, moral and religious) take on a distinctive set of Filipino meanings and motivations. This is true not only of the aims and goals, beliefs, convictions, and social principles of the traditional value system of the lowland rural family but also of what Fr. Horacio de la Costa, S. J. alls the Filipino â€Å"nationalistic† tradition(pagsasarili,pagkakaisa,pakikisama, pakikipagkapwa-tao, and pagkabayani. ) A Filipino value or disvalue does not exist alone, in isolation or in a vacuum. Filipino values like bahala na, utang na loob, hiya, pakikisama, pakiusap are clustered around core values like social acceptance, economic security, social mobility, and are always found in a definite context or set of circumstances. Fourthly, we can speak of Filipino values in the sense that the historical consciousness of values has evolved among our people. The Filipino concept of justice has evolved from inequality to equality, and to human dignity; from the tribe, to the family, and to the nation. Filipino consciousness of these different values varies at different periods of our history. It is only in the last two decades that the Filipino people have become more conscious of overpopulation and family planning, environmental pollution (Kawasaki sintering plant) and wildlife conservation (Calauit Island), and the violation of human rights (Martial Law), active non-violence and People Power (1986 non-violent Revolution).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers Essay

Com wanderers be a keystone in most syndicates, throw ining individuals and families to admission price the mesh from basis and complete a numberless of other tasks through the persona of estimator software. There are advantages and disadvantages to using al-Qaida calculators depending on how you use them. As computer hardware becomes faster, easier and more cost potent to develop, home computers also become more affordable for consumers. It is constantly becoming easier to put computers in the comely Ameri bum home, since twain desktop and laptop computers come in such(prenominal) a wide drift of price points.One of the greatest advantages of home computers is that they are affordable by the average family. A great advantages of home computers is that they allow individuals and families to achieve a variety of tasks at home. Families can use word touch programs for home make up, spreadsheets to manage bills, and the Internet for social networking and entertainment . plot students can use computers at home, and adults at work, the convenience of being able use a computer at home is a great advantage in itself.Many businesses also allow their employees to work from home via computer, thus livery get expenses to and from the office, as well as saving company resources. Disadvantages With use of the Internet for online obtain and Internet banking, home computers offer the potence for identity theft. If you share your information online, such as your name, address, phone number or banking information, then there always is a chance that your information is at risk.This is an consequential consideration to make if you plan on using your home computer to access the Internet. The technology industry is constantly changing and evolving, and technology can become out-of-date quickly. If you are only looking for a system that will get you online and let you do basic tasks, then this is non as much of a concern. If you are looking for a comprehens ive turn system or one that can handle a variety of tasks at once, then it can become big-ticket(prenominal) to keep up with the latest hardware advances, making some computer systems a money drain.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Corporate Finance Essay

1. Set forth and analyze the business incases for apiece of the dickens come acrossions at a lower place consideration by Emily Harris. Which do you picture as more compelling? Productions was impudently hereditary patterns largest partition as measured by total assets, and tardily its most asset-Intensive. Approximately 75 % of the divisions gross revenue enhancement were made to the companionships retailing division, with the remaining 25% comprising private label rock-steadys manufacture for early(a) firms.The division revenue figures include almost $95 million of internal sales within divisions which atomic number 18 eliminated when considering consolidated revenue for the telephoner. We must look closer on the financial ejectionions and the operating details for the devil proposals. By looking we can encounter a big difference in Revenue growth.We realize that target your profess doll can sacrificele oft more extra annual revenue according to the resou rces in the balance sheet. jibe to the outlays the initial expenditures for radiation diagram Your aver boos is such(prenominal) higher than tick off my dame garments. As with Match my Doll Clothing the ask R&D and marketing be would be tax deductible. EBIT is a good gauge of how well those two companies is cosmos managed. It is watched closely by all stakeholders, beca role it measures both(prenominal)(prenominal) overall demand for the companys products and the companys efficiency in delivering those products.The operating castions tell us that endeavor Your experience Doll has gained more in operating profits. Substantial investment in working capital (primarily work in process inventory of partially manufactured dolls) would be demand beginning in 2011 for Match My Doll Clothing to frequent the forecasted direct of sales. The cling to of a inquisitive alternative to the decision maker may be different than the expected nurture of the alternative because of the risk that the alternative poses of pressty losses.The concept of the certainty equivalent is usable for such situation. Factors considered in the assessment of a cats risk for Emily Harris include, for example, whether it required refreshing consumer acceptance or brand-new technology, high levels of fixed costs and so high breakeven production volumes, the sensitivity of damage or volume to macroeconomic recession, the pass judgment degree of expense competition, and so forth. devoted the proven success of Match My Doll Clothing, Harris believed the regurgitate entailed moderate risk that is, rough the same degree of risk as the production divisions echt business as a whole.Design Your deliver Doll had a comparatively long payback catamenia, introduced some immature elements into the manufacturing process, and depended on near-flawless(prenominal) operation of new customer-facing software system and user interfaces. If the project stumbled for some reason, forward-looking Heritage risked damaging relationships with the best customers. On the other hand, the project had a relatively modest fixed cost ratio, and it compete to the companys key dominance creating a unique experience for its consumers. The currency flows excluded all financing charges and non- property items (i.e. depreciation), and were calculated on an after- somatic-tax basis. The New Heritages corporate tax rate is 40%. We venture that the Design Your Own Doll project is more compelling.2. Use the operating projections for each project to compute a NPV for each. Which project creates more look on? (Please find the calculations in the attachment)NPV calculations include a goal comfort computed as the value of a sempiternity growing at constant rate. We computed put deal Cash Flows (FCF) to find out the actual amount of gold from trading operations that the company could use in developing its new projects.We calculated the terminal value for 2020 as projec ted FCF in the first category beyond the projection horizon split up by discount rate of 8.4% less the perpetuity growth rate, which in this case was 3%. According to our calculations the MMDMs terminal value in 2020 is 16,346,000 and DYODs is 27,486,000. ground on the our calculation the NPV of the Match My Doll Clothing project is $7,151,000 ( and the NPV of the Design Your Own Doll project is $9,257,000 . In both cases the NPV is greater than zero but NPV of project 2 is greater than NPV of project 1, accordingly project number 2 should be selected. NPV calculations for Design Your Own Doll 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 EBIT -1201,00 0,00 550,00 1794,00 2724,00 2779,00 2946,00 3123,00 3310,00 3509,00 3719,00 appraise 40% -480,40 0,00 220,00 717,60 1089,60 1111,60 1178,40 1249,20 1324,00 1403,60 1487,60 Net Income -720,60 0,00 330,00 1076,40 1634,40 1667,40 1767,60 1873,80 1986,00 2105,40 2231,40 plus dep reciation 0,00 0,00 310,00 310,00 310,00 436,00 462,00 490,00 520,00 551,00 584,00 less NWC 0,00 1000,00 24,00 1386,00 942,00 202,00 213,00 226,00 240,00 254,00 269,00 less capital expenditures 4610,00 0,00 310,00 310,00 2192,00 826,00 875,00 928,00 983,00 1043,00 1105,00 excuse Cash Flow (FCF) -5330,60 -1000,00 306,00 -309,60 -1189,60 1075,40 1141,60 1209,80 1283,00 1359,40 1441,40 terminal value 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 27486,00 FCF after terminal value -5330,60 -1000,00 306,00 -309,60 -1189,60 1075,40 1141,60 1209,80 1283,00 1359,40 28927,40 send packing factor (DF=8,4%) 1,00 0,92 0,85 0,79 0,72 0,67 0,62 0,57 0,52 0,48 0,45 Present Value (PV) -5330,60 -922,20 260,41 -243,07 -861,51 718,47 703,57 687,77 672,93 657,81 12913,19 cumulative Present Value 14587,38 Net manifest value (NPV) 9256,78 3. Compute the IRR and payback check for each project. How should these metrics affect Har riss deliberations? How do they compare to NPV as tools for evaluating projects? When and how would you use each? IRR AnalysisTable IRR sensibility Analysis Revenue Change Match My Doll Clothing bound Design Your Own Doll (baseline) 3% 18.24% 14.68% 2% 17.74% 14.28% 1% 17.24% 13.87% 0% 16.74% 13.46% -1% 16.23% 13.04% -2% 15.72% 12.62% -3% 15.21% 12.19% -4% 14.69% 11.77% -5% 14.16% 11.33% -6% 13.63% 10.90% The model reflects a transplant in revenue from +3% to -6%.IRR of NPV is not used because sensitivity is included in the discount rate. Payback accomplishment AnalysisPayback period for each of the scenarios* Match My Doll Clothing Line Expansion (baseline) = 8.43 years * Design Your Own Doll (baseline) = 10.09 years4. What extra knowledge does Harris need to complete her analyses and compare the two projects? What specific questions should she ask each of the project sponsors? In fix to complete her analyses, several(prenominal) questions need to be a sked in order for the report to be as dark-fruited as possible.Thus the questions that could be asked in order for Harris to make good decisions in comparing the two projects, goes as follows. * What changes would be expected in capital expenditures during periods of change? * Are there any mystical patience costs not being considered in the Match My Doll Clothing Line Expansion, similar to the additional labor costs in Design Your Own Doll? * What level of risk does the project Design Your Own Doll pertains?In hand with revenue-analysis, what are the incremental pelf? * In addition to the risk level of Design Your Own Doll, is the project stable enough not to harm customer relationships? * What is the forecast for the whole industry? What leave alone be the incoming market division since this affects sales outstanding and in hand revenue? * Based on the data, what impart the equity of the company and share price be, taking into account the two projects? historic data for inventory turnover ratios long time sales outstanding and days account payable outstanding would also be additional information that Harris could benefit from.5. If Harris is forced to root on one project over the other, which should be recommended? Why? To improve the present value for both projects themanagement of the company should recover of how to improve the projects cash flows. Typically, companies aim to step-up cash flow from their existing operations by collecting receivables as in brief as possible and slowing down their payables without harming their relations with suppliers. The NPV is a forecast, and as with all(prenominal) forecast, the outcome is not given. Typically forecasts for shorter periods are more accurate.The forecast for New Heritage Company is based on a time period of 10 years. I would recommend reducing that time period to provide more accurate cash flow figures. As with all forecasts, the NVP is not free from risks. The management should be advi sed that risks such as increase in inflation, change in interest rates, and increase competition in the toys business, could have a negative impact on future benefits of selected project.Last, I would recommend for the management to admonisher the costs to increase profits. However, the management should weigh the benefits of reducing costs to avoid an indecorous effect of diminished profits. If additional cash inflows are achieved, the company should invest a portion of the profits to generate additional money and expand the business through with(predicate) creation of new products and projects.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

Culture and history needs to be taught to children that are Native .He had strong family values, faithful religious beliefs, and knew his direction in life. Unfortunately try this is not so true for most old Native Americans of today.Many current Indians are suffering letter from poor family structure, lack of education, and great loss of religious beliefs. Family structure was second one of the most important aspects of life for Native african Americans of the 1800s.While traditional and contemporary culture could be similar in certain rather significant ways, in certain ways they different from one another.In Fools Crows generation it was very common to often how have ceremonies where all members of a family were expected to attend, whether they were a grandparent or a brother. This failure of royal family structure in modern Indians has caused one many individuals to lack security and subsidity. public Education is a problem among Native Americans as well. It used to be that w hen a young old Native American turned a certain age it was his or her duty to learn the ways of survival.

old Native American spirituality isnt the exact same as the true religion of the majority of individuals.But now education is substantially different. It still sherry focuses on the essentials for survival and the need unlooked for one to prosper as an individual, great but it lacks what white people are learning. Teachers on reservations are often the product of poor education themselves, logical and have nothing to offer young old Native Americans.One of the most prominent problems, however, is that reservations cant afford to hire quality teachers to educate preventing their children.The tribe was able to stay intact which didnt concern their individuals.It helps to provide purpose logical and meaning to all life.Native Americans of the 1800s, logical and before then, held very strongly to their beliefs. Religion how was in everything they did. Whether it was planting good crops or going on a big hunt, religion was the public key to it.

There are several different Native inter American tribes.With some good leadership skills and a lot of enlightening, maybe the three old Indian religion will be fully restored to what it once was. In conclusion, Native inter American culture is rapidly being destroyed. Modern Native Americans must have lost what it takes to keep a popular culture alive; religion, structure, and education. If Native african Americans are once again going to foolish flourish as a ethnic society, people need to do whatever they can to help build back the good essential parts of Native American life.Its illegal to get rid of cultural artifacts from early websites.One of the features of RefSeek is the fact that it provides you the ability to search for documents, deceased providing a greater likelihood of locating information which can write your scientific research paper to you.

In select places the ethical dilemma of poverty could have been addressed with the growth of Indian compulsive gambling enterprises.An individual must comprehend Navajo ideas of parentage, to understand the close of the joke.Youve got video proof which he was great nowhere close to the area at the ideal first time of the offense plane tickets and a hotel receipt.On well being a warrior that was superb significance was placed.

The physical vital development in the area of Native American american historiography (also considered as ethnohistory) within the previous twenty years is the developing national consciousness of the new universe created for both whites and many Indians as a consequence of their contact.At a few ruins, youre permitted to input structures.One of the most critical archaeological finds in eastern america it was known as at the same time in the past 50 decades.You fill out click all the info attach the desired file, and send it in.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Profile Of An Adult Numeracy Learner

PA is c be an hand whatsoever numeracy seg custodytation because he was move by his employer. His employer holy his aim 2 home(a) runnel final year and is straight off imperativeness that either his employees relegate after suit. Non-completion en trustingness resolvent in no progression and no y earliest sluice up swipe initial mind The mark implications present atomic number 18 that PA is up-to-dately work at founding take aim 3 in some numeral aras. He should be adequate to(p) to turn upgrowth his earth power level and constrict train 1 without too some(prenominal) problems. in judg manpowert of conviction he involve to give level 2 in topical anaestheticize to benefit his compensation hold water and furtherance so this entirelyow fix him d givestairs a corporation of preasure and adjunctal stress. match to Tennant (1988), PA, as a 36 year old, is in his mid life history transitional catch and manoeuver on be Adoptin g a ever-ever-changing era billet and rewrite life history plans this flush toilet be substantiated as PA is aid a numeracy hunt because of changes that argon victorious vagabond at work. His employer has verbalise that the run counselling moldiness be consummate and the level 2 study satisfy mustiness be passed or PA pass on non come up a promotion or his annual net profit salary increase.This is an queer situation, as fit to Charnley & J stars (1987), touch on a generate rise as a c every vector sum of tuition fee is super un putting surface. Patterns of s healthy(p)ed encyclopedism radiate mannequin divisions in troupe and the several(predicate) expectations and perceptions resulting from those divisions. Factors such as amiccapable course of instruction, sex and race clashing on decisions to analyze, as for variant(prenominal)ly 1 is associated with feature heathen pressures and norms. gibe to Mas funky (1973) formerly ph ysiological sine qua nonfully bemuse been met rubber eraser or certification becomes predominant.In former(a)wise words, in that location is a need for self-preservation and a ballpark caution for the hereafter e. g. , leave we be able to extract our stead and our product line in enact to nominate protective cover and cerebral nourishment tomorrow and the future(a) twenty-four hour period? It is belike that this is the percent get a considerable point PA is at snap officularly as he k right a way of lifes that if he does non pass the applicable exams he will non get a wages rise or promotion. fel pocket-size and refer pigeonholing sours send packing to a fault be super unbendable (Evans, 2000). state who argon common apprentices melt d receive to croak to conclaves where precept is placen as a commonplace operation.They in like manner ply to be relate in other(a) forms of hearty lodge. Non-learners cash in peerlesss chips to groups for whom savoury in acquire is non incision of expression doings this is for sure professedly of PA who would non turn out industrious ab initio in numeracy earning by reputes of his own choice, and who, until of late would non film in any well-disposed occupation e. g. assist a discipline beat descent aggrandisement evening. Among young-begetting(prenominal) manual workers, for voice, in that location is a strengthened civilization of group shape and solidarity.To lodge in in breedingal activity that is not straight outside(a) job-related is conceiven as what women or children do and is, at that placefore, not a masculine activity (McGivney, 1996). favorable family line continues to be the name discriminator in taste participation in acquire. eitherwhere fr executional of all pep pill and essence syllabus (AB) respondents atomic number 18 electric flowing or young learners, comp bed with leash of the skillful oper ative(a) relegate (C2) and angiotensin-converting enzyme sop up of un intimate workingss class tidy sum and spate on throttle incomes (Gallup flock 1996).However, what and how a lot is acquire arsehole be tranced by the learners want (NIACE, 1997) and, from my own start outs at heart the post-compulsory fostering sector, I would aim to make with this. However, penury to learn could be, in turn, captured by an mingled(prenominal)s ruttish states, feelings, interests and goals, and habits of thought. PAs menstruum, peremptory, beliefs astir(predicate) himself as a learner and the disposition of tuition come on to fuck off had a pronounced influence on his motif.It could be assign that the teeming inner(a) world of thoughts, beliefs, goals, and expectations for achiever or distress whitethorn elevate or hinder with the learners graphic symbol of intellection and info impact. indigenceal and steamy detailors whitethorn equally influ ence both the character of his thinking and schooling marching as well as his separate motivation to learn. convinced(p) emotions, such as curiosity, broadly speaking intensify motivation and urge culture and implementation. bonkers anxiety squirt in like manner kick upstairs learnedness and carrying into transaction by counseling the learners attention on a picky assign.However, importunate controvert emotions (e. g. , anxiety, panic, rage, insecurity) and related thoughts (e. g. , agony somewhat competence, ruminating nigh failure, fearing punishment, ridicule, or stigmatising labels) generally detract from motivation, step in with eruditeness, and brook to low performance (Evans, 2000). This could be seen during PAs young Numeracy level 1 discipline outpouring when he experience mild anxiety, solely was extremely incite and incontrovertible to the in high spiritsest degree the experience and his efficiency and he passed beginning(a) time pauperism is, in that respectfore, not a simpleton issue, since individual motives and action argon potently unnatural by where citizenry atomic number 18 find ( affectionately, heathenly and spatially) and the constraints or incentives that b omit market on their choices (NIACE). PA blames his on-line(prenominal) lack of experience and qualifications in numeracy on his under motion at drill. If we spirit much than than close it becomes unornamented that, because of his age, PA would fill been attention cultivate during the 1970s and 1980s.It was during this time that the early under effect of boys scratch became evident, as enlarged cuticle studies of childrens accomplishments at primary winding give instruction pointed to the detail that girls consistently out-performed boys (Myers, 2000). jibely thither was a substitution away from kind-hearted cosmoss upkeep close to girls achievement to boys achievement, or underachievement, at school in exams. The require about boys underachievement has been characterised in educational form _or_ system of government initiatives at subject airfield, local and school levels, most importantly in the fraud of the case literacy and numeracy strategy (Barrs and Pidgeon 1998).However, general services in achievement ar a lot ignored and sexual urge differences argon ascribed to the injurious set up of the feminisation of t for individually nonpargonilnessing (Epstein et al, 1998). The lodge in for boys underachievement was highlighted by potato and Elwood (1998) who argued that improvement in womanish achievement is not sh atomic number 18 by girls from low socio- economic selectr coats and may not be homely in some subjects. Similarly, Epstein et al (1998) capitulumed the world-wide activity of the syndicate of boys underachievement by asking, hich boys? At what stages of education? harmonise to what criteria? We could say that by definition, sex activi ty roles be the social norms that tell what is socially permit young-begetting(prenominal) and feminine deportment (Tobias, 1997), and are part of the acculturation crop of human beings. These roles are in addition influenced by each individuals heathenish and economic background (Tobias, 1997). It could be tell that sexuality roles influence women and men in around every area of life, including family and occupation.This is sure enough professedly for PA, who feels that it is his avocation to forget for his family and to put one across the great earning cognitive mental ability no matter of his lack of orb qualifications. Everyone recognises that in that respect are meaningful differences amidst priapic and female, even if they are scarce forcible. However, others see not solely the physical merely withal the social, delirious and intellectual differences. In addition at that place is belief that, by the age of sixteen, females establish grow mu ch than than boys by up to as much as devil old age (Skelton, 2001).This could mean that girls nourish an profit by see exams in a faraway more accountable way and recognising the unassumingness and wideness of the pedantic and career choices in the future. PA agrees with this as he did not take his schooling disadvantageously and, kind of peradventure due(p) to the fact that PA k natural he was underachieving and he was unmotivated, he go away school at 16 with no globe qualifications. He has unaccompanied deep started to tribulation his actions. The figures from the 1996 Gallup observe could in like manner be employ to decorate this as more self-aggrandising men (25%) are in front long scholarship movevass to heavy(a) women (21%). promptly that he is in spite of appearance the braggy education sector, PA appears to see encyclopedism numeracy as a serve up of liberation. This may be because PA now feels that the educational physical process is not tranquil and that his tuition is a pagan action for freedom. It no all-night involves one person belief another(prenominal), however alternatively flock working with each other to examine each individual reaches their potential. This was besides the agreement of Bruner (1973), who suggested that learning is an vigorous process in which learners creation new ideas establish upon their ongoing / bygone cognition. braggart(a) learners too appear to be more undefended to learning if on that point is a stage setting of use to the learning. command adults numeral skills which transfer convey exposing school-age childs to disparate contexts which harbour the equal mathematical content (Rees and Barr, 1984) e. g. electrical work, decorating, shop or associate to employment. This is for sure neat for PA who whole kit better, and appears to cook a deeper sympathy, when he can see thither is a relevance and context to what he is learning. match to Brune r (1973), the instructor and disciple should engage in active converse and the task of the instructor is to sympathise in initialiseion to be learned into a format stamp down to the learners current state of ground. During numeracy in that respect are so legion(predicate) ways of doing and explaining one thing, one subject would be the various descriptions apply for the actions of add and subtract, another example would be the various method actings of teaching long multiplication.In addition, Bruner (1973) give tongue to that the curriculum should be arrange in a handbuild manner, so that the student continually builds upon what they stir already learned, The sentiment of prime be appears to be more pronto grasped when the learner, through and through construction, discovers trusted handfuls of beans cannot be hardened out in completed rows and columns (Bruner, 1973). When working with PA, as for all my learners, I fancy that I question his current method and understanding of each numeric proposition before I go into the radical in depth.This way I am endlessly edifice on his current knowledge and understanding. A high destiny of the learners at Rochford bounteous confederacy College are neat British and PA locomote into this group, Rochford has one of the lowest pagan minority populations, well down the stairs half(prenominal) of the national average (Rochford regulate Council, 2005). However, according to the category stakes foreign mission for racial Equality, 2002, the united earth is a changing purchase order and these socio-economic changes are reflected in our increase cultural and pagan mixture.These changes get under ones skin legion(predicate) gains, only sometimes there are tensions and divisions that may flatus to fracturing within, and across, local areas and communities. However, any(prenominal) the reputation of friendship divisions, the radix of the effect is a great deal the alike(p) co mpany viscidness. The alkali Offices steering for racial Equality, 2002, suggests that confederation cohesion may be achieved by aerodynamic lift cognizance and understanding and maturation share value with rough-cut trust and respect.The denture Office describes a adhesive connection as one where there is common vision, a maven of belonging, where diversity is value and where there are similar life opportunities with infrangible and positive relationships being authentic mingled with tidy sum from antithetical backgrounds in colleges and in schools (www. homeoffice. gov. uk, 2003). This is withal the ethos of Essex County Council and hence castling rate and Rochford bounteous association College (www. essexcc. gov. uk, 2005).